Empowered Empath Mentorship

A custom mentorship experience designed to empower empaths of all ages through education and support.

Schedule a Free Discovery Call

Do you resonate with any of the following statements?

  • You have been referred to as overly emotional or "too sensitive".

  • You can intuitively tell how someone is feeling even if they do not appear that way to others.

  • You are easily overwhelmed and overstimulated by noises, crowds, and conflict.

  • You know you have a strong intuition, but are looking to further develop your abilities.

  • You sometimes struggle to determine the difference between a gut feeling and anxiety.

  • You notice yourself absorbing the energy of your friends and family when they are going through a hard time.

  • Navigating change or transitions can seem extra challenging for you.

  • You feel as though you are too in your head and struggle staying grounded in the present moment.

  • You feel stuck or out of alignment and struggle to live your life in a way that feels authentic to you.

  • You are interested in spiritual topics and are looking for a spiritual bestie/mentor to dive deep with.


If you can relate to ANY of the statements above, please know that I see you and I would love to help you step into your power as an empowered empath. Trust me when I say I can relate... I struggled for so many years to embrace my sensitivity as a superpower. Everything changed when I realized that I was truly in control of my energy. After years of seeking support and resources, I finally learned to be my own inner healer... and I want to empower you to do the same.

Allow me to amplify your inner light!

This is a completely custom program based on your needs, but typically consists of 6-9 weeks of 1:1 work with me. It is a deep dive into the soul that places an emphasis on healing root causes and covers a wide variety of spiritual topics such as energy protection, spirit guides, manifestation, and more! Due to the custom nature of this program, you will need to book a discovery call to get started!

Schedule a Free Discovery Call

See what some of my students are saying

Sarah - Empowered Empath Student

"Nina and I worked together through her Empowered Empath Program—and let me be the first to recommend you schedule a reiki session, or embark on your own spiritual journey with her. Working with Nina was a true gift, and THE highlight of my reiki educational experiences. She taught me ways to protect my own energy, connect more powerfully to source, and perhaps most importantly, trust myself and my own intuition—an incredible tool that I will forever be grateful for. She adjusted our program to align closely with exactly what I needed, and she helped me to work through powerful blocks and limiting beliefs that I hadn't realized I'd been carrying around since childhood. If you are considering working with Nina, please do yourself a favor and book a session! She will light up your life, just like she did mine."

Aubrey - Empowered Empath Student

"Nina drastically shifted the course of my healing in countless ways. At the time I was stuck, living in my shadow, hiding from my light. I was desperately seeking a way out, or rather, a way within. Nina offered the light, guidance, and divine truth that I needed. She allowed me to unveil the shadow, see my light and guided me fearlessly back towards it. Through her guidance and teachings I was able to embark on the journey of accepting and fully embracing the inimitable, unique qualities that comprise my truth, my light and my divine blueprint. She reminded me that while healing can be challenging, it can and should also be joyous, light and playful. She reminded me to laugh, to play, to sing, to swim....she brought color and texture back into my life. She is, without question, highly intuitive, connected and able to seamlessly channel higher truths and guides. She is gifted, she is talented—she is the real deal. Thank you, Nina, for leading me back to my most authentic, beautiful, raw unique self. Forever grateful for you.๐Ÿงกโœจ"

Ashley - Empowered Empath Student
“Working with Nina was exactly what I needed this year. We can blame 2020, or the fact I have small children in quarantine, but I was at a loss. Depleted is the best way to put it. However, her healing sessions and Empowered Empath Project mentorship truly set my soul on fire at just the right time. Receiving her support and learning from her knowledge was priceless. Having the program completely tailored to me helped create a deep belief, and confidence in my abilities that I never had. Nina’s leadership requires her clients to look within in order to move forward, and I believe that was essential to my growth. I can only hope to work with her in the future, but in the meantime, I will recommend her over and over.”

If you have any questions, feel free to fill out the inquiry form below or reach out via email - [email protected]